
Thursday, October 2, 2008

And we're off!

T. Hee Greetings & Gifts is now officially open for business!

Like most new businesses we decided to have a "soft" opening where we invite a few family members and friends to "preview" the store before we throw the doors open to the world. The premise is that our friends are more understanding as we figure out how to wrap up purchases, operate the cash register and figure out the lighting and air...things like that. They serve as our "test" customers so to speak.

So last night we invited a few neighbors, friends and family to our "Sip & See" - after all, this store is like a baby to us! The night was terrific! We expected a couple dozen folks and were greeted with close to a hundred! And those folks shopped like it was Christmas Eve and they had not been to a shopping center all season! THANK YOU! It was a wonderful way to kick off our new store and, as planned, we did learn a ton!

So to those who came out to see us last night we greatly appreciate you taking the time and we appreciate the business. Now it is time for us to open the doors and meet our new neighbors....

If you haven't been in yet, jump in the car and speed on down! Polish off those credit cards, empty out the piggy banks and spread the word... T. HEE GREETINGS & GIFTS IS OPEN FOR BUSINESS!

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