
Friday, October 10, 2008

More Greeting Cards Coming Soon!

When planning for the store we were faced with the same decisions as most new business owners, what and how much to buy. With a fairly small store (around 1100 sq ft) we tried to err on the conservative side, not wanting to have a store room of "stuff" that would not fit on the floor. At the same time we tried to provide a wide range of "goods" from which to choose. Overall I'd say we've done pretty well.

One area in which we fell short is greeting cards. Almost immediately we purchased the Mik Wright cards, let's face it - those things are just down right funny! And we also picked up the Gina B line which offers a number of "every day cards." But we have found in the past week that that is not enough.

We have placed orders for a couple more lines of cards which should begin arriving in a couple of weeks. When we go to January market we'll be looking for new and different cards to further expand our line.

So, if you've been in lately and not found that exact, perfect card don't fret! Check back often because our greeting cards, like the rest of our goodies, are ever changing - you never know what new might be in store!

T. Hee :)


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