
Saturday, November 22, 2008

Black Friday is Upon US!

The day after Thanksgiving is well known in the retail world as "Black Friday." Some say the moniker relates to the retail stores' bank accounts going from red to black as they take in the cash from the throngs of customers. Others use the term to describe the crowds, long lines and near-fist-fight competition often seen especially in bargain stores.

Regardless of the history behind the word, the day is coming upon us quickly - this Friday is the infamous Black Friday and we are very excited and ready for the day.

To start off - Uber popular and scrumptious Highlands Cafe (our neighbor) will be open on Friday this year. We will be opening a bit early, at 9am, that day as well and will be ready for business!

Just say no to the mall! The parking. The crowds. The noise!! Why put yourself through all that? Make plans to lunch at the cafe and shop with us - and we'll do what we can to write our own definition for Black Friday - how does "easy and happy shopping day" sound to you?

See you Friday!

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