
Friday, November 14, 2008

Our Fix for the Economy

Long before our financial system went south we were deep into the planning stages for our retail store. We made a number of decisions for the store based on what we felt was "right." Luckily, these choices have resulted in additional benefits for our customers.

You may have noticed that we are an affordable gift store. By no means are we "discount" (nor do we want to be) neither are we "luxury." We strive to give you the very best for the right price. Our goal is to keep the highest price in the store (on average) around $45. We do have a couple of pieces priced higher than that but on any day you can stop in and get a nice gift or "happy" for $45 or less. So how do we do this? It's simple - think locally.

  • First we looked for artisans and vendors here in Lake Highlands. Sweet Pete Moccasins, Mary Kent's Big Grin Pottery, Beeswax Candles and now Rhonda Clifford's jewelry allow us to buy locally - delivery is only a few blocks away.
  • Next we looked for Dallas vendors. Cross My Heart Cards is based here and represents the largest percentage of our paper gift and invitation section. Swankie Blankie, Rex Gee cards, Penny Laine and Home Etc are all here in Dallas allowing us to pick up our stock avoiding otherwise high freight charges. Not only does shipping in product raise the price of the item but it isn't very "green" so we try our best to avoid it.
  • Unfortunately not everything is available locally so we reach across the TOLA region buying lines in Arkansas, Lubbock, Oklahoma, Louisiana and Mississippi. Again, being so close our shipping charges are much lower thus your price is lower as well.
  • In those events where we simply can not find a good local source we try to find the highest value source. Take our monogrammed tumblers for example. These uber popular items are manufacturered by a handful of companies around the nation - all using the same process and the same basic tumbler. We found a company in a small town in Alabama that does a terrific job with local labor and low overhead - thus our tumblers are a few bucks cheaper than the ones across town.

These are a just a few of the things we do to try to make T. Hee Greetings & Gifts the right gift store for Lake Highlands. Our best ideas come from our customers so please do not hesitate to drop us a line - we love to hear from you!

Happy Friday! don't forget - wine starts pouring at 4:00.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

LOVE that you're thinking about your customers' budgets. Everyone likes small luxuries that don't cost a small fortune. (Thanks for letting folks know HOW you save them money, too.)

Wine pouring at 4? Happy Friday indeed! :)