
Tuesday, November 4, 2008


For me! No, just kidding....

But I am serious when I say, "Regardless of your political leanings, please take the time to get out and vote today." The lines are going to be long - pack a lunch. You'll be standing for a while - take a chair. You're going to be bored - pass out conversation cups and lemonade to those around you and get to know some new folks. In other words - be prepared but do not give up!

Never in my life have I been "political." Rarely could I tell you who controlled what house, what the top issues were or how our elected officials stood on any one of them. But for some reason this year is different. I've been a news junkie - scanning and searching for info on every move the candidates have made, every thought they've shared, every plan they have inked....and it can truly be fascinating.

But the one thing that all of this "news junkie-ism" has proven to me is that we have to be involved in the process. Listen to the candidates - do you really want them setting the tone for this nation for the next 4 or 8 years? Look at how they run their campaigns - a true test of how they'll run their office. Research the issues that are important to you - I'm pretty sure you'll find out that the candidates have different views than those that are reported on in the media.

In short - get out and vote. And remember my old mantra... Don't vote? Don't complain!

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