
Thursday, January 15, 2009

The Petition - an update

We wrapped up our signature drive on 12/31/08 with nearly 1100 signatures of folks who want more retail stores and a better grocer in our shopping center. Imagine! In only 2 weeks, during which we were closed for a few days for the holidays, over a thousand neighbors, business folk and customers came in to T. Hee Greetings and Highlands Cafe to sign a petition!

Last week we, (Anita Siegers from the Cafe, Tony, me and the petition) met with the leasing agents for the property - they were amazed by the petition! Over a two hour meeting we made a detailed list of all the stores, services and businesses that our customers expressed interest in during the signature drive. The leasing agents were very energized and excited after our meeting - the petition did its job! Already the leasing agents have shown the property to a number of interested tenants with many more on the docket for the weeks ahead.

The last bit of good news I have concerns a top name grocer. I do not have alot of details to share but I do know that our little petition has landed on the desk of at least one grocer with very favorable results. Last we heard the grocer was planning a site visit to check out this shopping center where 1000 people signed a petition!!!! Hammers are not flying just yet but at least we are getting noticed!

We all know this is not a sprint but a marathon. Real estate deals are not done over night and often require multiple visits, discussions and proddings...but at least we are moving forward!!

Thank you all for your support.

1 comment:

paperjunk-lc said...

Thank you so much for all your efforts. Your passion is contagious. I wish you and your partner much continued success!