
Thursday, August 21, 2008

Construction a Go-Go

If you've been peeking in the windows of the future T. Hee Greetings & Gifts you know a bunch of dust is flying! As of last night it looks like almost all of the demolition has been done (with the exception of the plumbing that needs a certified plumber to cut) and one random wall which will come down today or tomorrow. The new walls are already being put up! YEAH!

By the time we get done we will have 2 distinct sections of the space. The area closest to the barber shop will be the Design Studio & Fulfillment Center for our wholesale business. We currently sell to about 400 gift stores coast to coast - all of their "stuff" will be designed, printed and shipped from the back of our space.

The front of the space (the area you see when looking at our space with your back to Wal Mart) will be the retail store. We've designed it to be one large, open space to take advantage of the beautiful windows. A pair of 6' walls are being constructured in the front right corner to provide a walk-through display window that will look "display-ish" from the outside but will be a fun part of the store to shop from the inside.

Sign guy was out yesterday taking measurements - it is all coming along so quickly!

We're 1 week in and making great progress. Hopefully only about 4 weeks to go...we hope!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

4 weeks...that's great.
Can't wait to see the completed effort.