
Thursday, September 11, 2008

Color me HAPPY!

Have you been by the store-to-be lately? My last visit was on Tuesday and they had started painting! Not sure how you read that little milestone but to me it means we are getting closer! The incredibly hard working electricians pulled another late night installing plugs, etc so most of the heavy lifting is done.

Our studio in Deep Ellum is filling up quickly with all that we bought at the Atlanta and Dallas markets - I forgot how cute it all is!

I was in Atlanta yesterday visiting customers - when I returned to the office today I was greeeted by one of our new stuffed animals from a company called jelly cat. http://www.jellycat.com/jellycat.html Even if you are not a big stuffed animal fiend, you will find yourself walking around the store with one of these little guys - they are adorable!
On another note I am meeting with Jerry Allen, our city councilman, today. I have reached out to Councilman Allen to learn more about what he is doing to help Lake Highlands and what we can do as a new retailer to help as well. Look for notes on that meeting later.
As always - have a day full of giggles and smiles!

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