
Sunday, September 14, 2008

Step by Step

First let me aplogize for the many errors that are sure to be in this post. You see last Saturday I thought it would be fun to stick my finger between 2 pieces of metal, heated to 250 degrees as they were slammed together under 80 pounds of pressure - yeah...I'm a digit short for typing today. Luckily Dr. Vo the hand specialist is letting me keep my finger (which was questioned for a while) but my typing skills are still a bit "challenged."

So we have hit that part in construction where it seems to be painfully slow. Little stuff is getting done like the cabinets in the break area and the track lighting is installed, along with one "biggie" getting the slatwall installed in the store. All along we have been hoping to get the keys on the 19th and to open on the 1st but unless Mighty Mouse comes along and decides to bust a groove this week - I seriously doubt that timetable will be met.

The studio in Deep Ellum continues to fill up with merchandise - 30 boxes were delivered on Thursday alone! Our buying for the store started in Atlanta in June so opening boxes is very much like Christmas morning - we keep finding all kinds of neat stuff! And Tony continues to do some "last minute" shoppping. There is a "mini-market" at the Dallas World Trade Center this weekend so Tony is there peddling his wares (Tony works for a showroom as an independent sales rep selling 40 lines of gift and stationery to retail stores from Ft. Worth to Albuquerque) and buying a few more items.

Had a GREAT meeting with Councilman Jerry Allen on Thursday - will have to give details once I have 10 fingers with which to type. The good news is that there is a storm a'brewin' to continue to change the face of Audelia/Walnut Hill... :)

Happy Sunday!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I can't wait to see the finished product. Very exciting to have new retail in LH.

{Our good friends the Hundleys sent me your link.}
