
Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Good Bye Wal Mart... now what?

Don't you love timing? As we prepared to open our doors for the first time we received notice that Wal Mart will be closing their Neighborhood Market across the parking lot from us. The store will close at the end of the year.

My initial reaction was distress. Wal Mart is supposedly a major player in this center. But once I started talking to the neighbors about the announcement I learned a whole different side - the neighbors don't seem to really care for that store. When I started watching the parking lot I realized that precious few of you come to our store from Wal Mart nor go to that store after visiting ours. So will their departure really matter for the future of T. Hee, Highlands Cafe and the others? I guess only time will tell.

The real question is, "Now what?" Don't know about you but I'm not too keen on the idea of having 20K sq ft of empty space across the parking lot. Nor do I want to see another Dollar Store or big box discounter. Talking with our customers one thing was clear, y'all would love to see a store like Sprouts Grocery in this center.

So I ask again, "Now what?" Do y'all want Sprouts? Is there another store you'd rather have? And what can we do about it? Would a letter writing campaign to Sprouts get their attention? How about a pettition? I understand there is a TIFF in place for this intersection - could that help our goals?

If you have a thought, an idea or suggestion, please hit the "comment" button on this post and share your thoughts. Lake Highlands is the most incredible neighborhood - I wonder what we could do together to really orchestrate change?



Anonymous said...

You should first reach out to the local chamber of commerce to see if there are already plans for the space. Depending on their response ask for a recommendation on how to initiate a request to recruit a Sprouts or something similar.

If that doesn't get things started write a letter/petition and get signatures and reach out to Sprout's directly. Where there is a will there is sometimes a way!

Good luck and keep us posted.

HeatherBakes said...

I would absolutely love to see a Sprouts go into the Wal-Mart building- and from what I've heard, there are currently no plans pending for that space.

Yes, please do keep us posted on what you find out.

Great job on the store, by the way! I was in on Thursday and was SO excited to finally find a resource for cute, unique gifts. Welcome to the neighborhood!