
Monday, December 15, 2008

It's Ornamental

Last year I learned a valuable lesson that I want to share.

My bff Jill throws a holiday party every year for her Dallas family of friends, co-workers and runners. The guest list is around 20 people but you never know who might bring a new-who with them.

Jill is a GREAT gift giver. She is very thoughtful and plans well - a gift from Jill is always right on the mark. But at her holiday party quite often at gift time there are people at the table that may not have been on Santa-Jill's list...but she is infallable.

Each year Jill scoops up a number of Christmas ornaments from various stores - whenever she sees one she likes she grabs it and gives it a quick wrap. You see, great-gift-giving-Jill knows the secret - EVERYONE can appreciate an ornament as a gift!

So as we gather around the table each year we all know that we will love our gifts and we know that any newcomers will have a present awaiting them as well - a lovely ornament hand picked by Jill.

Morale to the story? When you are out shopping grab a few extra ornaments. When a neighbor drops off some home made goodies or you run into your mail-person or paper boy - you are always ready with a fun little happy to say "Happy Holidays!" And if those gift giving occassions do not appear then you have a happy little extra for your own tree.

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