
Saturday, December 13, 2008

Safety First

'Tis the season for fun and family and festivities and muggings and purse snatchings... No matter how much holiday spirit we have the bad people in the world have something else in mind entirely.

While I do not want to dampen anyone's spirit, the little "incident" at Northpark Mall last year taught us all that, "any place any time" bad things can happen. Please keep the following in mind when you are out shopping this holiday season (including after holiday sales):

1. Park as close to the door as possible
2. Only shop in well lit centers/parking lots
3. If in doubt circle the parking area before getting out of your car.
4. Do NOT talk on your cell phone while walking into the store or out of the store - STAY VIGILANT!
5. Carry your keys between your fingers to use as a weapon if needed.
6. SCREAM! You may embarass yourself but you'll be even more embarassed if the boogey man comes after you. If in doubt, raise your voice, cause a scene.
7. ASK FOR HELP - there are mall guards and others wherever you shop - ask someone to walk you to your car if you are at all in doubt.
8. Tell someone where you are. Call a girlfriend or relative and let them know your schedule - check in- so someone will know if something goes wrong.
9. Lock all valuables in your trunk and do not "dawdle" while putting things in your trunk.
10. Wear comfortable shoes - a fast paced walk is a great self defense move.

I hate that bad people want to take our Merry away, so do not let them. Stay alert and stay safe.

Happy Holidays!

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