
Thursday, December 18, 2008

The Petition Project - Day 2

Wow! That's all I can say - WOW!!!

When you ask Lake Highlands to get involved you had better watch out because they are going to reply with both guns a'blazin'!

In the first 24 hours of our signature collection we sit around 300'ish signatures of folks who support getting a new grocery store and improved retailers in our shopping center! 300!

The drum I keep beating is, "who knows if this is going to work but at least we're going to give it a try."

In speaking with our leasing agent he reports that actions like this are very rare. He is very energized already just by the launch of the project. These days every landlord is begging for tenants but with this petition not only are great lease rates and incentives being made available, but we are showing the power and breadth of the neighborhood support. It simply does not get any better than this!

For those of you that have come in to the Cafe or the store and signed - THANK YOU! We're going to keep collecting signatures up until Christmas so if you have not been in yet please drop by - no purchase necessary at either location... Just sneak in, sign and dash.

Let's keep the momentum rolling!

BTW - what business owners do YOU know? Recruiting new businesses is not only the leasing agent's job, but the job belongs to all of us! If you have a favorite restaurant or store please mention our center to the owner. The leasing agents can handle all the details but please help stir some interest!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'll be stopping by this weekend. Thanks to BackTalk, this is the first I've heard of the petition. What a great idea! I definitely want a grocery store there...Sprouts would be great...but that intersection needs something better than what it has had. And so does NWHy and Ferndale.